Friday, August 19, 2011

Should Homeless citizen Use group Restrooms in Fast Food Restaurants?

This is a topic that was brought up on a blog I read where a friend tried to take two homeless men he had met into McDonalds to have a meal on Christmas. They were not allowed entry because they have previously used the restroom and not been paying customers.

My personal belief is I see nothing wrong with them using the toilets and I am not offended by homeless population in any way. If I were to run across them, I would likely offer to buy them a meal.


From a firm standpoint, I think McDonald's has the right to keep their toilets for paying customers. Therefore, if they did not purchase anything, they could legally ask them to leave the restaurant. However, when they came back with you later to have a meal which you were paying for, they did not have the right to refuse their entry. The only irregularity would be if that particular McDonald's filed a complaint and obtained a court order banning these two gentlemen from the property.

Should Homeless citizen Use group Restrooms in Fast Food Restaurants?

I believe this is why the McDonalds' in D.C. Has pay toilets. If you buy something, you get a token to use the toilet; otherwise, you have to pay to gain entry to their restrooms. Seems unquestionably silly and over the top to me but they get to make this decision about their restaurant.

It could have been that man at that McDonald's just doesn't like the homeless. We can't blame McDonald's as a whole. Our local McDs used to serve a concentrate of homeless gentlemen quite often. In cold weather, they would come in and by a coffee and sit for hours. They would get free refills and they never bothered whatever and no one seemed to care. Occasionally other patrons would buy them meals or give them money to get something and sometimes population would just sit around and talk with them.

When I was a teen, I worked at McDonald's in Va and we found a homeless man scavenging in our dumpster area. So every night when we had leftover food that would have been thrown out, we put it in a bag and settled it face for him. We weren't supposed to according to legal rules but our employer knew we did it and never said anything.

It's sad more population can't have more compassion. Of policy these are only my personal opinions on the matter. What are your thoughts?

Should Homeless citizen Use group Restrooms in Fast Food Restaurants?

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A Plugged Toilet is Not a Pretty Sight

It doesn't matter whether you are in Atlanta, somewhere else in Cobb County, or in any place else in the whole United States. You can't get away with flushing stuff down your toilet that doesn't belong there. In fact the very first rule of toilet care is to use prophylactic measures, so that you don't need to call on the services of a plumbing professional.

Imagine what a chaotic mess a city like Atlanta would be in if even just one-tenth of a percent of the households threw trash down their toilets and caused them to plug up. Given that greater Atlanta has more than 5 million residents, along with the 700,000 that live in Cobb County, that would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 25,000 plugged toilets. Can you dream the army of Atlanta plumbers it would take to fix that mess!


So when it comes to toilets, rule estimate one is to only use your toilet for what it was intended. The toilet is not a trash can, so refrain from flushing anything else. Of procedure a watery funeral for the occasional petite pet goldfish might be allowed.

A Plugged Toilet is Not a Pretty Sight

Children should be warned not to flush any household objects or Toys down the toilet. If your house is on a septic tank, never, ever attempt to flush tampons or any other feminine hygiene products down the toilet. This is especially important because a septic tank is designed to hold waste that decomposes, and any man-made paper goods such as diapers will only clog the system. If you have a sewer system, you can only flush tampons if it specifically says on the package. If not, just wrap them in a plastic bag or newspaper and throw them away with your trash.

In the event that your toilet does clog, or even worse, backup and start overflowing all over an upstairs floor, there are a few steps you can take before calling a plumber. The first step is to not panic. This is very important, because, people tend to get jumpy when the toilet water level begins to rise and it authentically is a scary sight. One of the most foremost things to do when a toilet starts to overflow is to swiftly take the top off the tank and gradually hold the float up so that water stops flowing into the bowl.

Then, try plunging the bowl to loosen the clog. If that doesn't work, you'll have to grab a pot or a dipper to bale out the water into the sink or bathtub. Call for man to bring a pail if you need to. If it is considered that there might be something inside the toilet that is causing it to clog, find a small handed house member and ask them to place their hand in a long glove or plastic bag, and try to reach in and see if they can unclog the toilet.

If you are the house member elected for the job, be sure not to get your hand stuck too. This may or may not work, but it is very straightforward and regularly very easy. Needless to say, every house should have a toilet plunger that is only used for the toilet, and not to be used in the kitchen sink as well. Most plungers are specially made for toilets, and will not damage or scratch the porcelain.

It is very foremost to start off gently, and gradually build your way up to using more pressure. This is where the strongest member of the house might prove to be useful. Persistent plunging can regularly free even the most stubborn blockages. If these procedures fail, then it is probably time to call a plumber. When it comes down to a battle with a plugged toilet a pro plumber rarely loses.

A Plugged Toilet is Not a Pretty Sight

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

How to Unplug Your Toilet

We've all had this experience. You precisely have to go but man has just made your toilet nonfunctional. You've tried to plunging it until your hands and wrist started to ache but no amount of effort seems to get things flowing again. You've notion of calling a plumber but they're high-priced at even the normal labor rate. So what can you do besides getting your body tired by chronic what you are doing?

Most people don't know how to plunge a toilet properly to begin with. They push and push until the wax seal breaks out and then they have someone else problem to allege with. Also, they've bought the wrong toilet plunger. The most sufficient plunger to buy is the one that has a flap that folds out so the rubber end looks like a bell. Stay away from the one that looks like a saucer. To properly plunge your toilet first make sure the flap on the plunger is extended out. Then place the end into the hole. Moderately push the plunger down into the hole until the air in the plunger is expelled. This creates a vacuum in the plunger. Make sure the outside rim of the plunger is fully seated over the hole on the bottom of the bowl. Then with a quick jerking petition pull the plunger so that the vacuum created lifts the water out of the hole and releases the obstruction. You may have to do this some times before you are successful.


After many attempts using this method without success I discovered someone else way.

How to Unplug Your Toilet

Hot water! My bathtub is next to the toilet, so I filled a large pot with hot water and poured it into the bowl to soften the obstruction and within eight or nine potfuls I was successful. As soon as I saw that the water level was going down quicker I used the plunger once again and then tried to flush and it worked!

Next time this happens you should try these methods. You'll save your muscles and your pocketbook!

How to Unplug Your Toilet

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