Friday, June 29, 2012

7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation

7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation

Almost everyone is troubled by constipation once in a while, but when constipation is prolonged or becomes lasting then it becomes a serious health problem and needs to be dealt with. In this article I will give some natural, life-style based, tips that you can use to preclude and cure constipation.

7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation

7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation

7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation

7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation

7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation

Before I go on to the tips, it should be remembered that while constipation by itself is uncomfortable and annoying, it becomes more than an annoyance if it is allowed to continue. Constipation plays a role in the onset of ailments such as cancer, heart disease, appendicitis, diabetes, hernia, abnormal menstruation and other diseases. If you are not able to Move your bowels at least one time per day, then you need to take some operation now if you want to preclude serious health problems later on in your life.

It is good not to try to solve the problem with laxatives alone. Like many medicines, laxatives treat the symptoms but do not offer a long-term cure to the problem. Here are some natural ways in which you can fight constipation:

1. Get plenty of fresh air each day

If you are cooped up in a room or office and don't go covering then your digestive theory will not work properly. Kids who play covering seldom get constipated, and likewise for anything who has a job which entails outdoor labor. Make it a point to go covering and take a walk in the fresh air each day. Breathe deeply and walk until you have worked up a sweat and then you will know that you have taken adequate air.

2. Drink a lot of water

Water helps your digestive theory to function. It is said that "water is a cure for all diseases." A healthy person should drink nearby four liters (quarts) of water per day. Start the day with a glass of water and keep drinking continuously straight through the day. It is not good to drink all the water at one time, and it is especially bad for heart patients to drink a lot all in one sitting. If you have constipation in the morning, start drinking and keep drinking; the water will act as a natural laxative. It is also helpful to put a little bit of lemon and salt in the water.

3. Use the toilet as soon as you get an urge to "go"

Another old saying says that "If you are in doubt about whether to eat or not, then don't eat. However, if you are not sure whether or not to use the toilet, then use the toilet." Listen to the demands of your body and as soon as you get the call of nature, then respond. If you delay, then it may not be inherent for you to Move your bowels later on.

4. Eat fresh and fibrous foods daily

It is very leading to consist of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your daily diet. If you only eat processed foods and refined starch products then you are lively constipation. When I am troubled by constipation I like to cure it with a "leafy lunch." I eat a big lettuce salad and a large quantum of steamed spinach and it usually does the trick.

5. Squat at the toilet

In many parts of Asia you have no choice in the matter. The toilets are holes in the ground or porcelain holes and you are obliged to squat down to relax yourself. This is the natural position for defecation and it is excellent to sitting on the "porcelain throne" that is found in western toilets. You don't have to rip out your plumbing and dig a hole in the floor. You can get a good position by squatting on the rim of your toilet bowl. (You may find it strange, but no one will see you and it will definitely help you to eliminate the waste that is accumulating in your body).

6. Learn and convention yoga postures and mudras

There are any yoga postures that preclude constipation. These postures put polite pressure on the digestive theory and help the natural process of your body. Visit a competent educator and ask for yoga postures that help the digestive system.

7. practice daily

One of the causes of constipation is a weak liver, and a major cause of liver weakness is lack of exercise. incorporate practice with the taking of fresh air, and walk briskly, jog or run, or convention some outdoor sport and you can overcome one of the root causes of constipation.

Finally, if you for real want to relax the problem immediately, you can flush out your intestines with a half liter to one liter of warm water. Here's how to do it: add the juice of one lemon to the water and then add plenty of salt (a tablespoon should do the trick and the solution should taste both lemony and salty). The more salt you add the surer the water will Move straight through the body without being absorbed. If you do a full day's fast or a half day's fast before taking the lemon water, then you can get perfect results.

Incorporate these points into your daily life and you will seldom be troubled by constipation.

7 Tips For Overcoming Constipation

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

The largest slum in Nairobi, Kenya is called Kibera and has over 800,000 inhabitants. The roads or pathways are littered with animal waste, garbage and human waste. Although most of the children do not wear shoes the roads often have jagged rocks.

Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

Many travelers come to visit Kibera and "Slum Tourism" is getting popular. Viewers of this humanitarian disaster have been more than boisterous, yet still no major improvements to the area have been done despite the beloved topic in the media. Humanitarian band-aids are helpful, but not enough.

Recently the rents were raised there and many poor population can barely afford to eat. It had became a political hot topic prominent to severe violence, fires, protests and riots. Most feared for their lives. If the riots and protests do not kill them then de facto Hiv/Aids or the raw sewage will.

The filth and sewage runoff from the Kibera slums flows straight through ditches and runs into the already extremely polluted Nairobi River, which is used downstream for population washing their clothes. Still even worse most of the landlords of the slum (60%) are government officers or politicians, corruption is someone else huge issue agreeing to the Un Human hamlet Programme (Un Habitat) Study.

Kibera means "forest" but it seems the city officials of Nairobi are having a hard time finding the forest for the slum. Not long ago, The Kibera Urban Environment and Sanitation scholar Plan was introduced even so the problems run much deeper than the proposed measures and it appears to have been more political window dressing.

The Kibera Slum, golf course adjacent, is not the only shanty town in Nairobi, just the largest. One other shanty town in Nairobi, "Korogocho" got road Lighting after a huge vocal firestorm to preclude civil unrest, so much more is needed. The germ-free situation in Nairobi's shanty-towns and slums causing serious health issues including, Skin Disease, typhoid and even worms.

Due to the altitude of the City of Nairobi and climatic characteristic Malaria is not as bad as other parts of the Nation, but climate change promises to change all that. Volunteer health clinic workers say that over 50% of the problems they see are hygiene related.

One huge problem has been that poor folks with no jobs cannot afford to pay for some of the open pit latrines and instead hold it until night time and defecate into a plastic bag and throw it into the road or on a neighbor's roof. They call these "Flying Toilets" and unfortunately nearly all the roofs leak or are in a state of disrepair.

Something needs to be done soon. I de facto hope this record is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

Kibera Slum of Nairobi Kenya

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Monday, June 4, 2012

The Most base Septic Tank Problems And How To Avoid Them

The Most base Septic Tank Problems And How To Avoid Them

Without the proper design, use, and maintenance of your septic principles you will literally face the day when you'll have septic tank problems galore, and literally no idea how to solve them. Here's a quick look at the most tasteless septic problems you may encounter, and how to avoid them.

The Most base Septic Tank Problems And How To Avoid Them

The Most base Septic Tank Problems And How To Avoid Them

The Most base Septic Tank Problems And How To Avoid Them

The Most base Septic Tank Problems And How To Avoid Them

The Most base Septic Tank Problems And How To Avoid Them

First, excessive use and subsequent dumping of oil and grease, which take a long time to degrade into your septic tanks can clog up the upper accommodation of the tank, as well as the inlet drains. This can consequent in all sorts of bad odors, not to mention the added strangeness when tank-emptying season comes around. To solve this problem, try curbing on your oil and grease use, or use a separate principles for your oil and grease waste.

Do not dispose of non-biodegradable products like plastics down the toilets or drains, since this can clog up your pipes or the soil.

Avoid overloading your principles with excess water, because too much water filling the principles can cause it to fail and shut down. This can also be the consequent of excessive food particles, which can overload the principles and shut it down.

Certain chemicals and supposed septic tank additives can do more harm than good to your system. Adding pesticides, lye, paints, or solvents can damage the principles and basically render it totally ineffective. Do not unload your paint and other solvent wastes into your septic tanks. dispose of them properly. Not only are you prolonging the life of your system, you are also doing your environment some good.

Finally, if you're having problems that you know you can't fix, avoid self-medicating and taste your local health or environmental authorities immediately. It will make things much easier on every person involved.

The Most base Septic Tank Problems And How To Avoid Them

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