It is a highLight of most modern house to have an inside toilet, this is a luxury that most households have got used to. Many just can't do without it. The hypothesize this subject is raised is quite naturally I'd never thought of having a toilet in any place else other than in the home until I got to live in Bulgaria.
When I was young we lived in a Victorian styled house and had a brick outside toilet. I remember having to go to the toilet my brother, as I was scared of spiders. Later when I was big sufficient to cope with that I remember having to walk straight through snow to get there one winter. Needless to say little time was spent on the throne while winters in the Uk, not much was remembered about it, it well wasn't a qoute at the time.
After marrying we bought a modern house with an inside toilet and for 20 odd years this was the norm, part of what is staggering and that's where the thoughts of outside toilets disappeared until recently.
Moving to Bulgaria well brought home some more mental behind why we have inside toilets. Pardon the pun, but it is purely for convenience, nothing more; a daily requirement can just as well be managed outside, but it would be far too much problem and the relax zone reMoved.
The turning point for me with thoughts about inside toilets was on a single day where I had a community man come to my house. He had lived in the community all his life and had never seen an inside toilet before, let alone use one. When he realised my house had one he said, "It was disgusting that people go to the toilet in my house!" Just saying that now sticks in my mind each time I use the toilet indoors. He is right; going to the toilet in your home is quite disgusting, just think about it for a while.
I still have my inside toilet but I also have an outside on and use this whenever I get an opportunity. Using that outside toilet that is just a hole in the ground without a flushing ideas just feels right and so much more environmentally friendly. Added to this is the fact that toiletry goings on in the house just doesn't seem right after, especially in a community where no one else other than expatriates have indoor toilets. My Bulgarian guests here never want to use my inside toilet either, they themselves feel that this 'business' is an outside operation and they could never get used to conducting it inside a home.
The inside toilet is essentially the same as the outside toilet. The outside just drains into the land the inside is flushed away to the outside sceptic tank and then also drains away into the land. The only discrepancy is the vast amounts of fresh drinking water used to Move the deposits from a to b. What is the point of that?
So, the bottom line (another pun I'm sorry) is, if I happen to Move and renovate another house, I will ensure that I have an outside toilet built alongside, it will make me feel better using it.
If you have never used and outside toilet, then I fully advise you try it, not for the hypothesize of anything else other than appreciating your inside toilet. anything who does this will know what I mean. If you use an outside toilet oftentimes and regularly, there is not well any hardship in this system, it's just getting used to something new (or old).
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