Thursday, December 1, 2011

Summer Music Festival Toilets? This Is Why You Need a conveyable Urinal!

Summer Music Festival Toilets? This Is Why You Need a conveyable Urinal!

You are a rock goddess. You love your music and enjoy it all the more when it is live. Your friends are all booked to go to Glastonbury or galvanic Picnic or even Burning Man. But...

Do you physically shrink from experiencing a summer music festival because of your fear of the dreaded toilet facilities. Are the horror stories you have heard a myth or reality?

All of us, regardless of gender, have to answer the call of nature and none can truly say that festival loos are the most pleasant of places. It makes sense to stay out of them as much as inherent over the policy of a 3 day music festival.

Here are some of the discrete festival toilet solutions you might experience.

- Portaloos
Portaloos are the most tasteless toilet at festivals. And they are a fine solution especially if they have been treated with respect by the hundreds of people who have shared each one preceding you. Portaloos are lockable & so your privacy is protected. This is a major plus for the rock festival goddess.

Portaloos also flush too which helps keep them relatively clean. Of policy you depend on previous user to do so & to leave the seat back down. Once in the portaloo you are confined by four walls which can be quite claustrophobic. There is also the qoute of smell.

Combine this tight, plastic space with sunny weather and you will be eager to halt as fast as possible. You might even try the old keeping your breath trick. Hold your breath before entering and your next inhalation is when you are surface again. You need to be fit & fast for this one to work.

Of policy they do not have Lights at night so you will need to bring a torch. Regularly they will be some length away from your tent.

Toilet queues are all the time long at festivals and they are even longer for portaloos.

One last disadvantage relates to the External Idiot Principle. Whilst in your portaloo you might find your world starting to Move. You might think it is an earthquake. But it is truly an External Idiot (Ei). They have taken enough quantities of cider to believe they are Jet Li. They also think it will be hilarious to use their newly acquired skill to topple a portaloo. Normally, safety guards are more than aware of this danger and stop the Ei before they do any damage. But sometimes they do not and it would not be a pretty touch for anyone inside at the time.

- Slurry Pits
These have a bad reputation but although you might find the odd mishap they are often preferable to most portaloos. This is because there are because they are used quicker. They are exposed to the open air and therefore smell is less of an issue. They are also Regularly lit.

They are basic practically military in their utility. But this can be a good thing. You can forget privacy as the doors do not lock and even if they did you head still sticks up over the walls. They are emptied daily and if you can time your Movements with the departure of the emptying truck you'll find this to be the cleanest time to use this type of facility.

- Water Aid cubicles
Apparently introduced at a Glastonbury festival these are the 'continental' type holes in the ground with footprints whether side.

They are the most sanitary solution and they have buckets of water and brushes to fast clean for the next user. There is no Light so take a torch when using these after dark visits.

- Urinals
Many festivals are now providing urinals for female use! With urinary products like SheWee or Uriwell females can now pee standing up. Using urinals means enjoying a group touch and it is surely more effective and sanitary solution for 'Number 1's'.

- Night follows day
Night brings a new size to the festival toilet experience. During the day you have probably had a beer or two. You are now tired & happy to be in your sleeping bag. You are relaxed & about to sleep. And nature calls. Ahhh! It is a long dark walk to the loos.

Imagine if you'd left your portable, unisex urinal in your boot within easy reach. It is easy to use. Has a lid so no need to worry about spills or odour. You have solved a major festival problem. In fact During the day you avoid all the toilet queues by fast visiting your tent. Perfect.

A summer music festival can be one of the most enjoyable experiences of your life. You will hear & see great musicians and be surrounded by like-minded people. Do not miss this touch because of festival toilets.

In addition to packing a portable, unisex urinal our last piece of advice is to bring sanitary wipes or spray with you. You will be very glad you did. Enjoy yourself!

toilets parts

Nancy Doll Plus House

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